Growing Spiritually

Once we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord we are born again as children of God. As His children God expects us to grow. The instructions for our spiritual growth are provided in the Word of God, the Bible, which contains everything we should know in order to live a Godly life. 

(2 Peter 1:3), (1 Peter 2:2), (2Tim.3:16-17) 

It is important that we develop a spiritual discipline.

1.Study God’s Word daily

God speaks to us primarily through His written Word. We need to read it with the desire to listen to His voice. God wants us to study it diligently and meditate on it frequently (Deu. 6:6-7). We are commanded to desire the pure spiritual food of God’s Word (1Pet.2:2).

God’s Word does a lot of things in the life of a believer.

*It restrains us from sinning against God (Psa.119:11,133).

*It shows us the way in the dark (Psa.119:105).

*It equips us to stand against the enemy (Eph.6:13,17).

*It heals us (Psa.107:20).

*It gives us understanding (Psa.119:130)

*It reveals what is wrong in us (James 1:23)

*It exposes our thoughts (Heb.4:12)

Take time to read all references. Develop a habit of listening to God by studying God’s Word daily.

2.Talk to God in prayer daily

God speaks to us through His Word, we talk to Him through prayer.

Prayer is not a religious ritual done in a certain place, in a certain posture and repeating certain vocabulary. It is just talking to God your Father in heaven. As His dear child you have free access into His throne room any time. You don’t have to go through any mediator. In fact, He is longing to hear from you.

You may follow the pattern of the prayer our Lord taught His disciples in Mat.6:9-13.

Praise and Adore Him

You should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name. (Mt.6:9 CEV)

Only His children have the legitimate right to call God “Father” (John 1:12). Realize that you are talking to your loving father. Glorify His holy name as you come to Him. You can praise God repeating what God’s Word says about the person of God, His character, His works etc. (Eg. Ps.95; Ps.100; Ps.103)

Submit to His authority

May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. (Mat.6:10 NLT)

God’s rule will ultimately come whether we like it or not but as children we must yield to His authority willingly and follow His desire. We must desire that His will be done in our lives.

Ask for your needs

Give us today the food we need
(Mat. 6:11 NLT)

Ask for your needs and for others’. Remember the conditions.

*Ask according to God’s will (1Jn.5:14)
*Ask in Jesus’ name (Jn.14:14)
*Have no unconfessed sin
(Ps.66:18); (Jn.9:31)
*Ask without doubting (James 1:6-7)
*Ask with right motive (Jam.4:3)

Thank Him for everything He does. (Phil.4:6)

Confess your sins

…and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
(Mat. 6:12 NLT)

If you are truly a child of God the Holy Spirit will lead you, and guide you. This is proof that you are a child of God (Rom.8:14). As we read God’s Word He will show us things in our lives that are displeasing to Him. Confess to Him and ask forgiveness. (1Jn.1:9) You don’t need to do it before the clergy in a church, you can do it from where you are.

Confession involves, first, agreeing with God that we have sinned and grieved Him. Second, thanking God that Jesus paid for these sins too, when He died on the cross. Third, repenting, which means turning back and not repeating those sins.

Remember to ask forgiveness from anyone whom you have hurt. Also, forgive anyone who has offended you. If we don’t forgive others, we are still guilty.

Take refuge in God

And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.
(Mat. 6:13 NLT)

Ask Him to help you resist temptation. Intercede for your family, relatives and friends also to be protected from the evil one.

3.Fellowship with believers frequently

The born again children of God around the world together make the true Church which is the body of Christ. The gathering together of a group of born again believers in a locality is called a local church. This gathering is important for the edification and growth of every believer. This is God’s way of equipping His Church to fulfill His mission.

Unfortunately, most of our traditional church gatherings don’t edify or equip us for God’s mission. We need to find places where Christ alone is glorified and worshiped, and His Word is taught. Otherwise they are just social gatherings or “charitable societies”, at their best. I know this is a bit controversial and some of you may get angry with me. But we cannot escape reality. It’s a choice between Jesus and other people. Followers of Jesus in every generation had to make this choice. May the Holy Spirit guide you.

In the gathering of born again believers:

*His presence is promised
*Spiritual gifts are endowed
*Mutual edification is focused
That is why we are asked to assemble together as members of the body of Christ. (Heb.10:24-25)

4. Bear witness through your life and words

Before ascending to heaven Jesus gave a last command to His followers. It is known as the Great Commission. He wanted the message of salvation to go to the entire world. The Church was to be His channel to fulfill this command. Thus, we have been entrusted with this great responsibility and we are privileged to bear witness to the transforming power of the gospel. How do we do it?

Live as true followers of Jesus.

*Be obedient
(Luke 11:28; Mat.7:26)
Obey His instructions in the Word of God.

*Be an influencer
(Mat 5:13‭-‬14‭,16)
Be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Let the world see the transformation God has brought in your life.

*Involve in acts of kindness

Love and serve others

*Be willing to suffer
(Phil.1:29; 1Pet.4:12-19)

*Share a testimony
Tell others what God is doing in your life. Share your experience of following Jesus.

*Share the Gospel
Tell others how they can experience God’s forgiveness.

Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed? If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.
(Luke 9:23‭, ‬25‭-‬26 NLT)

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