Signs of the Times!

“You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!”
(2Timothy 3:1‭-‬5 NLT)

God’s Word said centuries ago that the end times will be perilous and difficult times. If we turn around we can see that we are living in difficult times. We see that people are utterly selfish. They love money more than anything else. Even within the family we see the result of selfishness. Children grow aimless, Godless and characterless. Elderly are left to struggle and suffer. These days for monetary gains we are ready to sacrifice relationships and principles.

We see that people are very boastful and proud. They are proud about their positions and possessions. They boast about their wealth, which is there today and can vanish tomorrow. People are too haughty so they put down and belittle others. They want fame, honour and glory for themselves. They don’t mind taking credit for what God is doing. They even blaspheme the name of God for the sake of social approval and political correctness. They will openly agree that all faiths are equal and you just need to be a good human being. They may go to the extent of bowing to every other deity.

People these days do not understand the meaning and essence of true love. Everyone talks about it. Counselors and gurus project love as the solution for the world’s problems. They conduct seminars on how to love others but people hate each other more than ever. Hate crimes are on the increase. People are revengeful and can not forgive others. Everyone is ready to return insult for insult and even assault for insult. Violence and crime are escalating day by day. Nobody hesitates to slander others. They carry tales to defame those whom they dislike. They don’t feel guilty at all. We burst out in anger with no self control and humiliate others in public. Brutality is what is seen depicted in the daily news.

Public opinion about what is good and bad, right and wrong has changed. People have started calling ‘good’ evil and ‘evil’ good. They can betray their own kith and kin without the slightest feeling of guilt. Those who dream of authority and power are often the worst traitors.

These are days of camouflage. You won’t know the real person until you get close enough. They appear pious and religious but they deny the truth. They don’t love and obey God but they pretend to be Godly and assume to be followers of Christ. They are pleasure loving and teach and preach what makes people feel good.

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
(2Timothy 4:3‭-‬4 NLT)

Followers of Jesus are instructed to turn away from such people. Are we like these end-time-generation Christians who display a fake Christianity?

The Lord God has told us what is right and what he demands: “See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God.”
(Mic 6:8 CEV)

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