Birth Pains

In chapter 24 of the Gospel of Matthew Jesus described the signs of the last days. This is in relation to the Jewish nation and the Church doesn’t figure anywhere in this, which means, the Church is taken up by then.

And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.
(Matthew 24:6‭-‬8 NLT)

Looking at some of these signs like, wars, rumours of wars, nations fighting against nations, we wonder whether we are already there or not. The scenario around Ukraine gives that kind of a feeling. Moreover, there are fights and clashes between ethnic groups and communities all around the world. There are attempts for ethnic cleansing. Europe is in shambles and the Middle East is at the point of a nuclear collision. But what Jesus says here is about the great tribulation period. This is also called Jacob’s trouble. It is focussed on the Jewish nation but the rest of the world also will pass through it.

One World, One Religion

The Chinese Corona has made the world look like one village. The “plannedemic” has levelled the differences and made every nation follow the same protocol. World has become equal and problems become global. Hatred and violence in the name of ethnicity and religion are growing into full blown wars. People started rejecting religions and promoting ecumenism – the one World religion. Soon there will be One World government and one religion but eventually demand worship and submission from every human being. Anyone who refuses will be beheaded.

One World, One Leader

The world is already moving towards this one leader government. Nations are fast disintegrating. Country after country is in chaos and confusion. Soon the nations will see one man emerge as the world leader who will promise peace and security. Bible has predicted this and that leader will be the Antichrist.

Now the race is on among the leaders of the powerful nations for that ‘super leader’ position. The most wicked among them are making their moves strategically bullying other nations that are weak. They want to grab the resources available everywhere to use it for their convenience. Putin has put in all his efforts to regain the status of the erstwhile USSR. Same story is happening in the Middle East, where Iran and Turkey are vying for their supremacy and a revival of the ancient Persian and Ottoman Empires. They hate to see the nation of Israel flourishing and want to wipe it off the map itself. Eventually all these nations will gather against Israel to plunder and loot it’s resources, the natural gas reserves in particular. This is the war described in Ezekiel 38, 39.

The prophecy about the destruction of Damascus described in Isaiah 17 also should happen very soon. As I say this Russian invasion into Ukraine has already begun. But as the Bible says these are all birth pain. The actual terror is yet to come.

But thank God, before the Antichrist appears, He will transport us from here into His presence. Are you going to go with Him, or, will you be left behind to experience the greatest suffering mankind has ever gone through?!

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