Tag Archives: Ezekiel 38 war

Can you believe the Bible?

The answer is an emphatic ‘yes’.

There are many reasons why you can believe the Bible far above any other piece of literature. But if you are a sincere seeker the only evidence you will need is the origin and history of the Jewish people. We are watching the fulfillment of  Biblical prophecies about Israel, the land and its people, recorded centuries ago.

“Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.” (Charles Krauthammer – The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998)

Birth of the Nation

The Bible says that God called a man named Abram to leave his home and his relatives and go to a place He would show. In obedience Abram started his sojourn with his wife Sarai, nephew Lot and all their servants and livestock. He comes to the land of Canaan and God tells him that it is there  he and his descendants should live. God promised that land for Abram and his posterity for ever. God made a covenant with him promising to bless him and the entire human race through him. Abram worships God there.

Abram and his descendants settle there, but keep wandering due to famine. God renames  Abram as Abraham and reassures him and later his son Isaac and grandson Jacob of His covenant. Jacob was renamed by God as Israel (Gen.32, 35).

Into Slavery

Jacob had twelve sons. His favourite was Joseph. He was an obedient young lad chosen by God for the protection of the family. He had dreams about future events and his brothers hated him for that. They tried to kill him but changed their minds and sold him as a slave and he landed up in Egypt. Joseph was faithful to God and God lifted him up to a position of authority, next to the king, in this foreign land. There was a severe famine. Only the Pharaoh in Egypt had stock of food grains because with Godly wisdom Joseph had stored it up. People came from everywhere to Egypt for food and Joseph’s brothers too had to go there without knowing that their brother is the one in authority. They reunite and the entire family relocates to Egypt under Pharaoh’s favour.

After the death of Jacob and Joseph the new king didn’t recognise Joseph’s contribution to the prosperity of the nation. Israelites were forced into hard labour and slavery for the next four centuries.

Back in the Promised Land

Listening to the cries of His people God raised Moses, born to Jewish parents, adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, trained as a prince, under the most unfavourable circumstances, while Pharaoh’s order to slaughter all Jewish male babies below the age of two was still in effect. After ten plagues that forced the Pharaoh to let the people of Israel go, they set out into freedom. However, because of their disobedience and rebellion God let them wander through the wilderness for forty years. Those who trusted in the God of their ancestors witnessed His covenantal faithfulness and rebellious generation perished in the wilderness. God gave them   the Ten Commandments and specific laws to keep and pass on to their future generations.

After the death of Moses, Joshua led the people back into their promised land, the land that flows with milk and honey. The land was assigned to them according to the tribes named after Israel’s sons.

The most important command God gave them was that:
“Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.”
(Deuteronomy 6:4‭-‬5 NLT)

God promised blessings if they obey, and destruction if they disobey. God gave them rulers, judges, kings, prophets and priests. He promised His glorious presence in their place of worship. God also promised them an eternal kingdom and a king who will rule forever.

Scattered and Persecuted

Throughout the centuries we see that the Jewish people suffered for their disobedience to their God. They didn’t recognise the Messiah their Saviour whom God had sent. They were scattered all over the world, persecuted and massacred everywhere, and the holocaust is part of their history.  (Lev.26, Deut.4)

But God had also promised to bring them back for good. He vowed to destroy their enemies and re-establish them as a nation in their own land. He promised to give them a changed heart and the willingness to obey. These events are in progress as Biblical prophecy unfolds.
(Jer. 31, Amos 9, Joel 3, Eze.11; 36; 37; 38)

Ultimate Victory

The Bible is full of prophecies about Israel, their return and their future. God promised them the kingdom where a descendant of King David will rule. That will be the millennial Kingdom where Jesus will rule in righteousness and justice.

Chapters 36,37 and 38 of the book of Ezekiel describes the final home gathering of Israel through God’s direct intervention. Then one last sifting or cleansing through fire called Jacob’s trouble or the great tribulation. This will be Satan’s last attempt to stop people from worshipping the true God. But the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will destroy the enemies and establish the kingdom that was promised to Israel. God had promised and He will fulfill it.

Look at the nation Israel, see how true the Bible is and believe it, if you will.

Enemies of God

What is going on in Ukraine tells me that every country in the world is headed by heartless, selfish, inhuman politicians. On the one side everyone is applauding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for his courage. But on the other side, the nations of the world big and small alike are in support of Ukraine only in their speech. EU, NATO, UN all talking and watching the onslaught up on a weaker victim. Ukrainians are left all alone in their battle for survival.

I wonder why all these great leaders didn’t move a little finger to find a solution before the collision. They could have pressurized or persuaded Putin to negotiate with Zelenskyy and avoid a humanitarian crisis. The fact is that Putin is in a position of great advantage. NATO cannot send an army, the EU cannot involve directly, Putin can veto any UN resolution. Everyone played safe and selfish and let millions of Ukrainians suffer.

In all these world events that we are watching there is a grand design. The corona virus made the whole world come closer and experience the same things at more or less the same period. This one-sided war where Ukraine is left all alone to fight for itself is the pattern that will be observed during the future war with Israel.

Russia will accumulate forces in Syria and eventually come down upon Israel to plunder it’s natural gas reserves. Iran, Turkey and other jihadis will join in for their ultimate goal of annihilating Israel. Some nations may speak in support of Israel but do nothing more. Israel will be surrounded by its enemies and left alone to fight. Obviously Israel will not stand a chance against such an opposition in spite of all its technological and military advancements. That is when the God of Israel will intervene. He will destroy Israel’s enemies with supernatural events because Israel’s enemies are His enemies. Through the prophet Ezekiel God’s Word declares this. (Eze.38, 39)